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by rpetersen
Costa Rica Immigration Guide

The 2018 Costa Rica Immigration Guide by Roger Petersen

Thank you for your interest in the Costa Rica Immigration Guide for 2018.

Anyone interested in relocating to Costa Rica will eventually have to go through the immigration process.  

In this book I will break down the entire immigration process for you so you can evaluate the best options available for you when considering Costa Rica as a place to live.   

Please Click on the link below or the image of the cover to download for FREE the 2018 Costa Rica Immigration Guide. 

Download my Free copy of the 2018 Costa Rica Immigration Law  Now !















What do I cover in the 2018 Costa Rica Immigration Guide ?   See the table of contents below.

Chapter 1

Arriving in Costa Rica
The Tourist Visa
What if I Overstay My Visit

Chapter 2
The Residency Categories
Permanent Residency
Temporary Residency
Specialized Categories
What Residency Category is Best For You ?

Chapter 3
Retiring in Costa Rica
Pensionado and Rentista Residency

Chapter 4
The Application Process
Supporting Documents
Document Authentication Process
Filing the Residency Application
Registering For the Health Care Plan

Chapter 5
Investing in Costa Rica
The Investor Category

Chapter 6
Relative Based Immigration Petitions
Immediate Relative Petitions

Chapter 7
Costs and Processing Time
Filing and Legal Fees
Processing Time

Chapter 8
Renewal of Your Immigration Status
How to Renew Your Residency

Chapter 9
Working in Costa Rica
Can I Legally Work in Costa Rica ?