Home Costa Rica Legal TopicsReal Estate and Property Law Costa Rica Online Access to Public Records at the National Registry

Costa Rica Online Access to Public Records at the National Registry

by Super User

Costa Rica Public Records Access Online from the National Registry.

In this article I will go over the procedure to conduct an online public records search in the National Registry of Costa Rica. You can access the National Registry of Costa Rica at http://rnpdigital.com

When you enter the site you will see the landing page which should look as follows:




This new system provides free access to information recorded in the National Registry but it also has a new component for obtaining certified documents from the National Registry. The certification portion of the website requires payment by credit card for the different certifications. Regardless of which of the two components you will use the system will require you to register and create an account with an e-mail and a password.

To create an account and register in the system you will have go to the registration page. Currently that can be found in the center of the webpage for the free consultations under the heading “INGRESAR”. Once you click on it it will take you to the registration section where you will have to click on the orange arrow that welcomes you to “Register for the First Time” (Registrarse por Primera Vez).

Sign Up Page rnpdigital.com

Once you click to Register it will take you to the registration page as follows:

Enter the following information:


Last Name:

Mothers Maiden Name

Cell Number: You can just enter 0000000


Re-enter E-mail:


Re-enter Password:

 rnpdigital_consultasOnce all the requested information is done and you answer the captcha which is generally a mathematical equation then you can click on Registrarse.

Now that you have an account you can log in by entering the e-mail and password that you provided during the registration process. Once inside the site you can get into the free records search section of the site by clicking on the menu choice “CONSULTAS GRATUITAS” which has a yellow star next to it. See below


opciones-de-consultasOnce you enter into the free report section you will have the options of searching the following 4 portals

1. REAL PROPERTY (Bienes Inmuebles) Generally real estate related documents.

2. MOVABLE PROPERTY (Bienes Muebles) such as cars, motorcycles, boats and planes

3. SURVEY MAP (Catastro) Allows you to search for information on a survey map number

4. CORPORATIONS (Personas Jurídicas). Corporate registrations

5.  INTELECTUAL PROPERTY (Propiedad Intelectual)


Search our website www.costaricalaw.com for specific articles on how to conduct a property title search and how to conduct a vehicle title search using the National Registry website.  

You may also view the following videos on how to conduct searches.









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