If you ever wonder where Costa Rica has consulates in the United States then here is the answer for you. The main Embassy and legal representation of Costa Rica in the United States is located in Washington, D.C. The Embassy also has a consular services section. In addition they have seven full service consulates in the following U.S. cities: Chicago, Houston, Miami, Atlanta, New York, Los Angeles and St. Paul, MN.
At any of these Consular offices you will find a Consular officer that is vested by Costa Rican law to act as a Costa Rican Notary Public. This means the consular office is able to generate legal documents that are intended for use in Costa Rica. For more complex documentation the Consulate will want you to consult with an Attorney in Costa Rica and have them draft the documentation that you will need and then have it sent to the consulate for signature.
If you require consular services from any of the consulates you must contact them before hand since services are provided only by appointment. The following is the list of the Costa Rican consulates in the United States and their contact information.
List of Consulates of Costa Rica in the United States
Address: 2114-S Street, NW Washington D.C.
Telf: 001 (202) 499-2984.
Fax: (001) 202 265 – 4795
Email: embcr-us@rree.go.cr
Web: http://www.costarica-embassy.org
Coverage: Chicago, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota,Indiana, Wisconsin
Address: 30 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1922. Chicago. 60602
Telf: : 001 312 5774267
Fax: 001 312 4700282
Email: concr-us-il@rree.go.cr
Coverage: Houston, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Nuevo México, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas y Oklahoma
Address: 3100 Wilcrest Dr. Suite 260, Houston, Texas 77042
Telf: 001 (713) 266-0484
Fax: 001 (713) 266-1527
Email: concr-us-tx@rree.go.cr
Coverage: Miami, State of Florida
Address: 2730 SW 3rd Avenue, Suite 401, Miami, Fl 33129.
Telf: 001 (786) 655 0990
Fax: 001 786- 522-0119
Email: concr-us-fl@rree.go.cr
Sede: Atlanta, Georgia , Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Carolina del Norte, Carolina del Sur
Address: 1870 The Exchange, Suite 100, Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Telf: 001 (770) 951-7025
Email: concr-us-ga@rree.go.cr
Coverage: Nueva York, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachussets, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey Address: 15 West, 37th Steet, piso 12, Nueva York, 10018
Teléf: 001(212) 509-3066 / 001(212) 509-3067
Fax: 001(212) 509-3068
Email: concr-us-ny@rree.go.cr
Coverage: Saint Paul, Minnesota
Address: 6 West 5th
Street, Suite 201 Saint Paul, MN 55102
Teléfono: 001 (651) 293-1816
Fax: 001 (651) 665-0015
Email: concr-us-mn@rree.go.cr
Coverage: Los Ángeles, California, Nevada, Utah, Alaska, Hawaii, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming,
Dirección: 8383 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Suite 641
Teléfono: 001 (323) 424-7112 / (323) 424-7161 / (323) 424-7106
Fax: 001 (323) 424-7167
Email: concr-us-ca2@rree.go.cr
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