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Electronic Money Transfer

by Super User

Need to transfer funds electronically in Costa Rica ?

It is finally here.  There is now a way to transfer money from your Costa Rican bank account to any third party with a Costa Rican bank account even if they don’t have an account at your Bank.

This is done using SINPE (Sistema Nacional de Pagos Electronicos) which is the national electronic payments system operated by the Central Bank of Costa Rica (Banco Central)

The system allows the transfer of money from different banking entibies in Costa Rica by way of a private communications network.  To use the system your bank must be a participant, and by now most of the private and public banks use SINPE.

All you need to have is either a checking, savings, or credit card  with one of the local Costa Rica banks (private or public bank).   Once you have the account set up then you can request that  your bank provide you with the 17 digit “client account” (Cuenta Cliente)  number that is required to send or receive funds. That is all you need.  If you have on-line banking you can enter the SINPE section and transfer electronically.

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