Home Costa Rica Legal TopicsTourism in Costa Rica The Costa Rica National Chamber of Tourism

The Costa Rica National Chamber of Tourism

by rpetersen

The National Chamber of Toruism of Costa Rica known as CANATUR (Cámara Nacional de Turismo de Costa Rica) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1974 in order to promote tourism in Costa Rica.   The members of CANATUR ar the private enterprises that work in the tourism industry in Costa Rica and they include : Hospitality industry, Tourism Agencies, Rental Car Companies, tour operators, restaurants, medicala tourism, transport companies and educaitonal institutions to the tourism industry.  This organization is a separate entity from the Costa Rican government tourism agency which is the Institituo Costarricense de Turismo.

CANATUR also pulls together under one roof various various regional tourism organizations from Costa Rica.  It has  internal commisions which review topics such as Marketing and Tourism promotion, education and training for tourism related employment, legislation overview for laws affecting the tourism trade.   If you want to learn more about how CANATUR funtions in Costa Rica their website is http://www.canatur.org


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