The Consumer Protection Law of Costa Rica was passed to promote competition to benefit the consumer and to safeguard the rights of the consumer. The law is subdivided into the following 7 chapters. The full text of the law (in Spanish) is set forth below.
CHAPTER I General Dispositions [Disposiciones Generales]
CHAPTER II Deregulation [Desregulacion]
CHAPTER III Promotion of Competition [Promocion de la Competencia]
CHAPTER IV Commission for the Promotion of Competition [Comision para la Promocion de la Competencia]
CHAPTER V Consumer Defense [Defensa Efectiva del Consumidor]
CHAPTER VI National Commission for the Consumer [Comision Nacional del Consumidor]
CHAPTER VII Final Dispositions [Disposiciones Finales]
The full text of the law is set forth below [in spanish] divided by the Chapter headings of the law.
For the Promotion of Competition and the Defense of the Consumer
CHAPTER I General Dispositions [Disposiciones Generales]
CHAPTER II Deregulation [Desregulacion]
CHAPTER III Promotion of Competition [Promocion de la Competencia]
CHAPTER V Consumer Defense [Defensa Efectiva del Consumidor]
CHAPTER VI National Commission for the Consumer [Comision Nacional del Consumidor]
CHAPTER VII Final Dispositions [Disposiciones Finales]