Home Costa Rica Legal TopicsReal Estate and Property Law What steps are involved in the closing process ?

What steps are involved in the closing process ?

by Super User

When you are buying Costa Rica real estate what are the exact steps involved in the closing process?

The first step is to conduct a title search of the property to uncover any liens or annotations that exist on the property.    This search is done in the National Registry of Costa Rica which is a centralized depository of all property deeds in Costa Rica..

You should also request a copy of the property survey map for the property in order to review the property boundary lines.

Depending on the type of property that you are purchasing you may want to conduct additional due diligence –  You need to discuss this with your Real Estate Closing Attorney to determine the extent of due diligence.

With all the information on hand – Your Attorney will draft the property purchase agreement that sets forth all the conditions and procedure to be followed for closing.



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