Home Costa Rica Legal TopicsAdministrative Law Administrative Law Information Page

Administrative Law Information Page

by Super User


In this section you will find all the relevant information regarding Costa Rican Administrative Law.  Administrative law is the body of laws that governs the administrative agencies of the Costa Rican government.

LAW FOR THE DEFENSE OF THE CITIZENS (Ley de Defensoria de Los Habitantes)

Full Text in Spanish

The translation of the title of the law is Law for the Defense of the Citizens.  This law adopts the concept of the OMBUDSMEN which was originally implemented in Sweden.  The Ombudsman is charged with representing the interests of the public by investigating and addressing complaints reported by individual citizens.  This law provides for the mechanisms that the citizens of Costa Rica can use when they feel their rights have been infringed upon by a government act.

Among the Citizen Rights that the Office for the Defense of the Citizen will undertake are:

Rights of the Consumer

Rights Against Unlawful Detention

Right of Habeas Corpus Under the Constitution

Enforcement of Constitutional Rights under Articles 20 to 74 of the Costa Rican Constitution

Right to a Public Defender

Right to Legal Assistance in Administrative Proceedings

Right to Enforcement against Sexual Harassment

Right to Enforcement of Child Support

Right to Public Services

Right to Health Care

Right to a Clean Environment

Office of the Ombudsman   (Defensoria de Los Habitantes)  Web Site Link

This is the official website to the Office of the Defender of the Citizens (Defensoria de Los Habitantes)

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